The Professional Photo, Film, TV & Personal Stylist's Course Enrolment Application

I hereby apply for Enrolment in the Professional Photo, Film, TV & Personal Stylist's Course commencing on:

Standard Payment Plan

Periodic Payment Plan

Credit Card Details

Please complete your credit card details below:

Student's Details

Please complete the student details below:

Tutor Information

To My Tutor

If you have any difficulties whatsoever simply e-mail our Registrar to ask for help. [email protected]

Terms and Conditions

It is mutually agreed:    
  1. The British College of Professional Styling reserves the right to decline this application in which case all monies if deducted, will be immediately refunded.
  2. Course fees and deposits are not refundable other than upon the terms and conditions herein described.
  3. If my application for enrolment in this course is accepted by the College, I undertake to make the full payment of course fees as prescribed by the payment option I have selected. I authorise the College to reattempt any declined payment periodically.
  4. If requesting a payment plan option, I agree that the first installment is due seven days after the course starting date.
  5. I agree to provide the college with 2 business days' notice should I wish to change an upcoming payment schedule date.
  6. At the successful conclusion of this course, I will be awarded the British College of Professional Styling's Diploma of Professional Styling.
  7. The course must be completed within a period of 12 months of the commencement date.
  8. If in the opinion of the examining board the certificate should be withheld, the course will be extended at no cost for a further period of tuition determined by my tutor.
  9. If, after a further period of tuition, the examining board determines that the certificate should be withheld, course fees will be refunded in full.
  10. It is agreed that students must complete the course within the specified period and demonstrate a reasonable degree of effort throughout to be eligible for the refund from point (9).
  11. To take advantage of the seven-day refund guarantee, the College must receive your request to withdraw in email within seven days of the course commencement date. No exceptions.
  12. 7-Day refunds must be processed back onto the same card that the original payment was processed from. 
  13. Additional fees will apply to extend the course completion period beyond the 12 months provided.
  14. Students may extend for a maximum of two extension periods of six months.
  15. Extensions must be applied for within 4 weeks of course completion expiry.
  16. As with all adult and continuing education, the onus is on the student to seek assistance as required whilst undertaking the course.
  17. Please consider your enrolment with care; refunds of fees are not possible except under the terms and conditions described herein.

It is mutually agreed that the decision of The British College of Professional Styling is final and upon the refund of course fees if any, the College has no further liability or obligation.


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